TRAILER ABOUT THIS GAME Tokyo Xanadu eX+; a massive action RPG from the masters of the genre, Nihon Falcom! When high school student Kou Tokisaka encounters the nightmare realm known...
TRAILERABOUT THIS GAME"Tokyo School Life" is a Visual Novel game on Steam.This is the story of your trip as an exchange student in Tokyo and the three girls you meet...
TRAILERABOUT THIS GAMEThe gates of Heaven are closed shut; the realm of Hell consumed by flood.And in their wake, countless parallel worlds wither away, one after the other.The surviving angels...
ABOUT THIS GAMEFollowing her graduation from middle school, Konomi Yuzuhara enters the same high school as Takāki Kono, her childhood friend. As the new school year begins, they meet their...
ABOUT THIS GAMEWith the cherry blossoms of spring in full bloom, how is everybody spending these vivid and colorful days?On this occasion, I wish to declare to everybody the formation...
ABOUT THIS GAMEThe game is the first sequel to Navel's first game, Shuffle!, continuing Nerine's path.The basic set-up is that Rin, Nerine, Itsuki, and Mayumi find a strange watch that...