TRAILERABOUT THIS GAMEThe Witch’s House, originally released in 2012, falls within the tradition of Japanese horror RPGs with heavy emphasis on puzzle-solving and jump scares. Among other entries in the...
ABOUT THIS GAMEThe stage for this tale is the "Ritaania Kingdom", a kingdom that has enjoyed continuous peace for 500 long years.One day, a "portal" which linked Ritaania to the...
TRAILERABOUT THIS GAMEPuppets lurk beneath the surface of human society, quietly manipulating the course of history. No one knows who creates them, however, or to what end they operate...Hajiro Mina...
ABOUT THIS GAMEYou are Yusuke, a Japanese youth about to enter college in Tokyo. When your father suggested that you live with the family of a friend of his while...
TRAILERABOUT THIS GAMEThis game was previously included as a bonus exclusive with the first edition of volume 3 of the Blu-ray and DVD release of the anime, "The Eden of...
TRAILERABOUT THIS GAMEAmong the nations on the Zemurian continent, the mighty Erebonian Empire has been quick to outwardly stake its claim militarily; yet politically, ugly bouts of internal conflict between...