ABOUT THIS GAMEYuuma is a second year student at the prestigious public school Hoshioka Gakuen. It is known for offering a fulfilling school life, but he has yet to experience...
ABOUT THIS GAMEHarukoi Otome revolves around protagonist Akihito Hayasaka, a male high-school sophomore. The high school he attends St. Francesca Academy used to be an all-girls school, and still has...
ABOUT THIS GAMEKashiwagi Haruko fandisk.The main story is about Haruko's brother Taichi, who spots a suspicious girl stalking his big sister and gets to know from her that Haruko might...
TRAILERABOUT THIS GAMEThis is a story from a very, very distant era. The world has suffered from a great war. The contaminated atmosphere is turning ash gray, life on Earth...
ABOUT THIS GAMEThe protagonist of our story, Moriuji Haru, is just about to complete an unnamed RPG, but just as the final boss is in his death throes, the game's...
TRAILERABOUT THIS GAMEGary Stuart, better known as "The Man," and his elite team of sexual counselors are on the verge of landing the contract of their dreams: a cushy deal...