ABOUT THIS GAMEThe protagonist, Akira Yamanabe, after graduating from university, set out on a journey by himself. Somewhere along the road of that journey, around an unfamiliar rural area, he...
ABOUT THIS GAMEYuichi lost his father when he was a kid. However, he now lives peacefully with his mother and younger sister. One day, his grandfather says to them, "Why...
ABOUT THIS GAMEOne day, Taisuke finds a book in his room and opens it without knowing the secret. What appears from inside is a vampire girl!? He is sucked in...
TRAILERABOUT THIS GAMELucid dreams.Dreams where you know that you're dreaming.After an accident in his youth, Tooru Naitou began to have nothing but lucid dreams. Always being aware of when he's...
ABOUT THIS GAMEThe era of fighting ended, and the demon realm came to be ruled by its queen. "The seat of queen shall inherit the children of he who, summoned from...
ABOUT THIS GAMEA story of revenge.Hanachirasu is set in a parallel timeline where nuclear weaponry was never developed. As such, Japan continued to fight through World War II, ending aggressions...