ABOUT THIS GAMELocated at the main crossroads, the town of Kaste is known for being a border town with monsters appearing nearby. Gin decides to start his second life by...
ABOUT THIS GAMEAfter the surface of the world broke down, the city of Novus Aether floats in the sky, thanks to the prayers of the Holy Maiden. Years ago, when...
TRAILERABOUT THIS GAMEAt the dawn of time, a terrible war raged between the forces of good and evil, ending in the destruction of the world of Agarest. After their victory,...
TRAILERABOUT THIS GAMEThis is an all-ages title from PULLTOP. The Ogasawara Islands is designated as a natural World Heritage Site. Hiroki visited the island for the first time in four...
TRAILERABOUT THIS GAMEStoryIn the year 2049, mechanized robots commonly called GEAR were developed for military application. Since then, their versatile functionality has led them to not only become commonplace in...
TRAILERABOUT THIS GAMESvart Alfheim and the Accelerated World have begun to merge. In the midst of the chaos, Yui has gone missing. Kirito must challenge the Seven Kings of pure...